Man From Atlantis: Complete Television Series (Remastered, 4 Disc)


Go deeper below the surface than ever before with the adventures of the being who is both human and aquatic. Atlantis survivor Mark Harris (played by Patrick Duffy just before starting his lengthy run on Dallas) breathes underwater, withstands extreme depth pressures and wields superhuman strength. And those astounding abilities are showcased in this 4-Disc Collection containing All 13 Exciting Episodes. Submerge with Mark and the crew of the Foundation for Oceanic Research submarine Cetacean (including costars Belinda J. Montgomery and Alan Fudge) into a world of science-fiction wonders. Guest stars include Victor Buono (in several episodes as the villainous Mr. Schubert), Kareem Abdul-Jabbar, Pernell Roberts, Rene Auberjonois and Pat Morita.
Aspect Ratio ‏ : ‎ 1.33:1
MPAA rating ‏ : ‎ NR (Not Rated)
Product Dimensions ‏ : ‎ 0.5 x 5.35 x 7.5 inches; 3.5 ounces
Item model number ‏ : ‎ 35709221
Media Format ‏ : ‎ NTSC
Run time ‏ : ‎ 10 hours and 32 minutes
Release date ‏ : ‎ September 14, 2011
Actors ‏ : ‎ Patrick Duffy, Belinda Montgomery, Alan Fudge, Victor Buono
Subtitles: ‏ : ‎ English, French, Spanish
Studio ‏ : ‎ Warner Archive
Country of Origin ‏ : ‎ USA
Number of discs ‏ : ‎ 4

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Go deeper below the surface than ever before with the adventures of the being who is both human and aquatic. Atlantis survivor Mark Harris (played by Patrick Duffy just before starting his lengthy run on Dallas) breathes underwater, withstands extreme depth pressures and wields superhuman strength. And those astounding abilities are showcased in this 4-Disc Collection containing All 13 Exciting Episodes. Submerge with Mark and the crew of the Foundation for Oceanic Research submarine Cetacean (including costars Belinda J. Montgomery and Alan Fudge) into a world of science-fiction wonders. Guest stars include Victor Buono (in several episodes as the villainous Mr. Schubert), Kareem Abdul-Jabbar, Pernell Roberts, Rene Auberjonois and Pat Morita.
Aspect Ratio ‏ : ‎ 1.33:1
MPAA rating ‏ : ‎ NR (Not Rated)
Product Dimensions ‏ : ‎ 0.5 x 5.35 x 7.5 inches; 3.5 ounces
Item model number ‏ : ‎ 35709221
Media Format ‏ : ‎ NTSC
Run time ‏ : ‎ 10 hours and 32 minutes
Release date ‏ : ‎ September 14, 2011
Actors ‏ : ‎ Patrick Duffy, Belinda Montgomery, Alan Fudge, Victor Buono
Subtitles: ‏ : ‎ English, French, Spanish
Studio ‏ : ‎ Warner Archive
Country of Origin ‏ : ‎ USA
Number of discs ‏ : ‎ 4

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11 Reviews For This Product

  1. by JohnWorley

    Man from Atlantis: Complete TV Movies Collection Awesome Blast from the Past!
    Having the chance to see The Man From Atlantis again let alone own remastered copies of each movie as well as the TV series was everything a fan of the show could hope for. The quality of the programs being remastered is amazing and was even better than watching it on our color tv set we owened in the 70’s. When watching the pilot movie I couldn’t help but notice how easy it was to become totally sucked into the plot, acting, and concept. The pilot holds up very well compared to anything on tv today. The tv series spin off from the movies was never given the same attention to detail in quality when it came to the writing, but for me there are some moments from the TV series that I still remember fondly and most of the episodes are still fun to watch. A few I will always remember with a smile. A show that could have been so much more IS so much more now that it has been restored for fans like myself who always admired the child like kindness, fairness and sense of wonder that the character of Mark Harris as the Man From Atlantis seemed to live by. A friend from the ocean who simply cared about the environment and other beings whether they were a member of a different species or not. I highly recommend both sets for those who remember the series fondly, but most of all for anyone just looking for a good family fun show. I believe everyone should watch the pilot movie at least once. Yes, it was and is STILL that good….The Man From Atlantis was a hero for kids in the 70’s, got as good or better ratings over seas (no pun intended) than Doctor Who, and in my opinion is still a hero worth a look. I challenge any fan of science fiction to watch the pilot episode and not want to see more. Patrick Duffy IS the Man From Atlantis!!!!

  2. by Paul Anderson

    Great 70’s nostalgia.
    A trip through a time when fast editing didn’t have to grab our attention,Patrick Duffy (DALLAS) gives a sensitive performance as the last survivor of Atlantis, Belinda Montgommery,is VERY WELL SUITED as the Doctor providing moral and emotional support for Mark Harris, perhaps a lesson for some of those in the Real World to emulate. My memories of this TV series are a little vague but non-the-less fond ones, my only critism is that the 13 part TV series has been sold seperatly. I feel this is missleading of Warner Archive to advise us that, it says, “The complete TV series,” so be advised when purchacing that item, it would certainly make more sence to release the 4 TV movies & Complete TV sereies as one package as other TV series have done.The visual quality is a little impaired for the TV Movies, however, I think this adds to the nostalgia, and besides I grew up in the UK and watched it on a Black & White TV, when a teenager.Complete Nostalgia.

  3. by Amazon Customer

    Great show
    Watching Patrick Duffy swim made me want to learn to swim -underwater. Never quite learned to come up for air but could last a long time submerged

  4. by C. DeGhoul

    Good transfer but shattered illusions
    Man From Atlantis was a show I half-remembered from my childhood. I loved it as a kid but I found it a little difficult to watch as an adult. If nothing else, watching these DVDs showed me how much live video feed has helped the production of television shows and films. I could not help but shake my head when the water tank Patrick Duffy’s character was in clearly showed water stains on the outside of the glass when he was supposed to be in the ocean, or the scurrying fin of one of his support divers who was not supposed to be there, or an underwater light showing up on-camera, or the blatant continuity glitches between wet hair/dry hair and so on. In modern filming, many of these problems could have been caught during filming with the help of live video feeds rather than having to wait until the film was processed — when time and money restrictions caused them to become permanent goofs. As a child, I marvelled at Duffy’s amazing (and changing) eye colors because I didn’t know f/x lenses existed. As an adult, I see how bloodshoot his eyes are and respect what he endured with those glass contacts. As a child, the silliness of the plots and the sometimes wooden acting never bothered me. As an adult, it makes me chuckle that I could have ever been so naive. Still, there were moments when I was pleasantly surprised by the acting, a humorous line in the dialogue, the hint of an unexpected depth in a message(that may or may not have been deliberate), Mr. Duffy’s endurance of eyes and lungs, and, for the era, the quality of the transfer to DVD for both sound and video. Also in the plus column was the ability to wistfully admire the handsome Mr. Duffy’s lean, young, authentic swimmer’s body forever captured at the height of his prime and the fact that, to this day, in the rare times I go for a swim, I STILL occasionally use the undulating body method of swimming underwater because it captured my imagination as a child and it actually does work as a means of propulsion.In short, I’d have to call it enjoyable – though flawed – fluff from a bygone era.

  5. by Mr. Mark Gonzaga

    You will NOT be disappointed!…
    PHENOMENAL COLORS! The attention to detail in the pilot is ADMIRABLE with blues & greens used throughout including complimented by actors with blue eyes ….green eyes! It’s OBVIOUS to see whey the pilot TV MOVIE spawned 3 more TV MOVIES and a series! Patrick Duffy has an EXTRAORDINARY build & slim body as we see right off the bat in the Pilot TV MOVIE with admirable underwater scenes swimming … and very handsome. Belinda Montgomery’s acting tops ALL. GREAT PHOTOGRAPHY! INCREDIBLE PRODUCTION VALUES! Spectacular care was taken in the PILOT especially in ALL areas deserving MORE than 5 STARS! VERY happy I purchased this (4) TV MOVIES DVD set! 🙂

  6. by Thor31x

    Good Show
    Watched this when I was a kid. Brings back good times. Old shows don’t have all the animations and underlying things that the current shows have which makes them better.

  7. by Dario Antonio Lamanna


  8. by Amazon Customer

    Would have enjoyed it more if the Pilot episode was included.

  9. by 男全能神コージ

    ≪Google Chromeの文字認識機能を使えば、字幕がない外国映画でもある程度理解できます。Googleアプリ→ドキュメント→左端の新しいドキュメントをクリック→ツール→音声入力→入力ツールのDVDの言語選択→DVD作動後、入力ツールをクリック。途中で良く止まるので、後は根気の問題。4:13 2020/01/19追加≫ 本作の日本語版邦題をメモしていたので、ウィキペディアの欠損部分を補足させて戴きます。資料的価値がいまひとつなためウィキには書き込めません。日本語版第7話 新エネルギーのなぞ(原題:Deadly Carnival)第8話 もう一人のマーク(Shoot-out at Lands End)第10話 四次元の黄金(Giant)第12話 無邪気なインベーダー(Imp)第13話 巨大クラゲのきょうふ(Man O’ War)第17話 人魚のうたごえ(The Siren) ウィキでいう第4話「10万ボルトの腕」は本来なら第6話。 NHKの番組紹介で、≪15回シリーズ≫と表記されてあったのが17話まで続いたのが嬉しかった。45分枠に移行してからは正直、今一つな話が多かったが、若き日のパトリック・ダフィーの神秘的な眼差しと、壮重かつ哀調漂うBGM、球体を四つ繋げた主人公たちの潜水艇(船名はセティション号と最近知った)の秀逸なデザインと冒険に魅了される幸福な日々が続いた。 あれから40年が過ぎ去り、本作よりプロットでも特撮技術でもすぐれた作品を数多く見てきた今でも、深海へのロマンと故郷を無くした青年の悲哀を切々と奏でる本作のテーマソングは、私の音楽に関する思い出の中で、ジョン・ウィリアムズやエルガーの作品群と並ぶ高い位置を占めている。

  10. by robert

    yes i would have to say that half the reason i bought MAN FROM ATLANTIS is because i remembered just how beautiful Belinda Montgomery is but the fact that Belinda Montgomery is beautiful aside another big reason i bought the MAN FROM ATLANTIS is because i used to watch it and i have been hopping to relive those old memory’s again and because of amazon i can do just that so i say thank you very very much to amazon for helping me there

  11. by thierry baussant

    La série TV est complète DVD gravé avec photos très bonne présentations, en anglais uniquement sans sous titre,bonne qualité des images c’est fidèle a mon souvenir TV de l’époque.Vous pouvez trouvez en vente sur amazon sur un autre coffret DVD les 4films TV de 1h30 présentés en introduction de la série TV a l’époque.Attention sur un ancien lecteur DVD(les tout premiers par exemple) l’image peu passer en noir et blanc,aucun problème sur les autres.Bon films a tous .Thierry.

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Man From Atlantis: Complete Television Series (Remastered, 4 Disc)

Man From Atlantis: Complete Television Series (Remastered, 4 Disc)


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