Chi Kung For Health, Volume Two: Six Seated Meditations


CHI KUNG (qigong) means “energy work,” the ancient Chinese yogic art that cultivates man’s intrinsic internal energy, or vital life force–which the Chinese call “chi” (qi). For centuries, Qigong has been practiced for healing, rejuvenation and longevity―and is the foundation of all systems of Chinese martial, healing, and spiritual arts. Chi Kung For Health is a ground-breaking DVD series by Terry Dunn (creator of Tai Chi For Health dvd’s) that teaches the very rare and powerful “Flying Phoenix Heavenly Healing Chi Meditations”–a remarkable system of medical qigong (there are also martial styles of Qigong, which this is not). It was created more than 400 years ago by legendary Taoist sage Feng Tao Teh of Ehrmei Mountain (Omeishan) in Szechuan Province who traveled extensively throughout China’s western frontier and Tibet to acquire his yogic knowledge. This rare and powerful healing art has been impeccably preserved by seven generations of Taoist martial arts masters, and is now available to the public–as a precise, safe, and dynamic program for natural health, healing and illumination. It is comprised of standing and seated, stationary and moving exercises that impart profound health benefits: improved circulation, respiration, metabolism, skeletal strength, neuromuscular function and immunity. Flying Phoenix Qigong is ideal for beginners and advanced students alike because its exercises are simple and fool-proof, can be practiced safely without the supervision of a Qigong master, and yet they impart profound energizing and rejuvenating effects. Because of the deep state of physical relaxation and mind-body integration that it fosters, Flying Phoenix Qigong is also an excellent complement to Tai Chi practice, while being considerably easier to learn and practice. This wonderful hygienic art not only promotes splendid good health and longevity, but it as a complete Qigong system, it provides an invaluable foundation of experience by which one can fully understand and evaluate all methods of yoga and meditation. The five-volume DVD series is beautifully filmed by Mike Hoover. Terry Dunn’s expert, step-by-step instruction is enhanced by multiple camera angles and accompanied by transcendent musical scores by Robert Scott Thompson. In Volume Two, Terry Dunn teaches six basic seated meditations of the Flying Phoenix Celestial Healing Qigong system, a subset called “Monk Serves Wine.” Exercises one through three are very simple and easy-to-do–yet powerful–preparatory meditations that instantly mobilize qi in the upper body and bring it into tangible awareness. Each exercise begins with a short breath-control sequence. “Monk Serves Wine” Exercises four through six consist of simple and elegant sequences of natural upper body movements done in the half-lotus position. Each is performed with total relaxation in set of seven repetitions following a breath-control sequence. The Flying Phoenix seated exercises develop fine control over basic energy (qi) pathways governed by eyes, mind, movement and breath, and ultimately bring all organ functions under the regulation of the subconscious mind. (60 min.)
MPAA rating ‏ : ‎ G (General Audience)
Package Dimensions ‏ : ‎ 7.1 x 5.42 x 0.58 inches; 2.93 ounces
Director ‏ : ‎ Terence Dunn
Media Format ‏ : ‎ Dolby, Multiple Formats, HiFi Sound, NTSC
Run time ‏ : ‎ 1 hour
Release date ‏ : ‎ June 23, 2003
Actors ‏ : ‎ Terence Dunn
Studio ‏ : ‎ Zen-Bear, Inc. (Interarts Productions)
ASIN ‏ : ‎ B0001VGAH0
Number of discs ‏ : ‎ 1

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CHI KUNG (qigong) means “energy work,” the ancient Chinese yogic art that cultivates man’s intrinsic internal energy, or vital life force–which the Chinese call “chi” (qi). For centuries, Qigong has been practiced for healing, rejuvenation and longevity―and is the foundation of all systems of Chinese martial, healing, and spiritual arts. Chi Kung For Health is a ground-breaking DVD series by Terry Dunn (creator of Tai Chi For Health dvd’s) that teaches the very rare and powerful “Flying Phoenix Heavenly Healing Chi Meditations”–a remarkable system of medical qigong (there are also martial styles of Qigong, which this is not). It was created more than 400 years ago by legendary Taoist sage Feng Tao Teh of Ehrmei Mountain (Omeishan) in Szechuan Province who traveled extensively throughout China’s western frontier and Tibet to acquire his yogic knowledge. This rare and powerful healing art has been impeccably preserved by seven generations of Taoist martial arts masters, and is now available to the public–as a precise, safe, and dynamic program for natural health, healing and illumination. It is comprised of standing and seated, stationary and moving exercises that impart profound health benefits: improved circulation, respiration, metabolism, skeletal strength, neuromuscular function and immunity. Flying Phoenix Qigong is ideal for beginners and advanced students alike because its exercises are simple and fool-proof, can be practiced safely without the supervision of a Qigong master, and yet they impart profound energizing and rejuvenating effects. Because of the deep state of physical relaxation and mind-body integration that it fosters, Flying Phoenix Qigong is also an excellent complement to Tai Chi practice, while being considerably easier to learn and practice. This wonderful hygienic art not only promotes splendid good health and longevity, but it as a complete Qigong system, it provides an invaluable foundation of experience by which one can fully understand and evaluate all methods of yoga and meditation. The five-volume DVD series is beautifully filmed by Mike Hoover. Terry Dunn’s expert, step-by-step instruction is enhanced by multiple camera angles and accompanied by transcendent musical scores by Robert Scott Thompson. In Volume Two, Terry Dunn teaches six basic seated meditations of the Flying Phoenix Celestial Healing Qigong system, a subset called “Monk Serves Wine.” Exercises one through three are very simple and easy-to-do–yet powerful–preparatory meditations that instantly mobilize qi in the upper body and bring it into tangible awareness. Each exercise begins with a short breath-control sequence. “Monk Serves Wine” Exercises four through six consist of simple and elegant sequences of natural upper body movements done in the half-lotus position. Each is performed with total relaxation in set of seven repetitions following a breath-control sequence. The Flying Phoenix seated exercises develop fine control over basic energy (qi) pathways governed by eyes, mind, movement and breath, and ultimately bring all organ functions under the regulation of the subconscious mind. (60 min.)
MPAA rating ‏ : ‎ G (General Audience)
Package Dimensions ‏ : ‎ 7.1 x 5.42 x 0.58 inches; 2.93 ounces
Director ‏ : ‎ Terence Dunn
Media Format ‏ : ‎ Dolby, Multiple Formats, HiFi Sound, NTSC
Run time ‏ : ‎ 1 hour
Release date ‏ : ‎ June 23, 2003
Actors ‏ : ‎ Terence Dunn
Studio ‏ : ‎ Zen-Bear, Inc. (Interarts Productions)
ASIN ‏ : ‎ B0001VGAH0
Number of discs ‏ : ‎ 1

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9 Reviews For This Product

  1. by Crystal

    Clear instruction.
    This is the 2nd volume in Terence Dunn’s Chi Kung for Health, Flying Phoenix series. Seated meditations/movements can help many people feel energy better. And obviously for those that find standing qigong difficult this may be helpful to develop a routine that can be seated on the ground or in a chair. The breathing instruction is helped along with on screen text instructions. I have uploaded a few screenshots. One con is that you will receive instructions such as breath out 40% which of course is less easy than just breathing in and out and not as easy to remember. Also, the audio on this DVD isn’t as good as I’d like. I have to turn the volume way up to hear it, but it can be heard so not a deal breaker. I have the first and second DVDs in this series and they could be tape transfers, but perfectly fine to learn from, just not as crisp as video and audio done with current equipment. Dunn’s personality is calm and soft-spoken. If you prefer a more vigorous or challenging practice, at least the first two DVDs in this series probably aren’t for you. I only wish there was a supplemental book or other information indicating what each of the movements do in terms of what meridians, organs, etc. are affected.

  2. by GMan

    Qigong That Delivers Results
    Sifu Terence Dunn is an excellent teacher of Qigong. I have use his courses since 2005 and since I have tried other courses in Qigong and though the instruction was good, the results were not impressive and I returned to Sifu Dunn’s Flying Phoenix system because it has improved my martial arts and helped with other issues from my time in the service. Another thing I really like as a Christian that Sifu Dunn does not push Eastern Spirituality other than to explain where the system comes from. If you have ever listened to the famous psychiatrist Dr. Roy Masters and his therapy for stress, pain management and PTSD you can really appreciate Sifu Dunn’s instruction. Bottom line is the system is powerful amd works.

  3. by Arno Parke

    Flying Phoenix II
    Another must-buy. These are seated chi kung (qigong) exercises which means they can be performed even by those who have trouble standing for long periods (or who can’t stand at all, for that matter). I haven’t found many videos which teach sitting forms, but I’d bet that this and ‘Blossoms in the Spring’ are the best. Flying Phoenix chi kung is very easy to learn and the effects are quite dramatic. Thanks go out to Terry Dunn for sharing these methods.

  4. by Bokhara

    Excellent qigong DVD
    I had had good luck with Terry’s Tai Chi DVDs as well as his Tai Chi Ruler DVD, so thought Iwould try this set of qigong DVDs. All of te DVDs in this Flying Phoenix series are worth using as a basis for your workout. If you are fairly new, I would recommend the Volume 1 and 2 be purchased together and used together. Also there is a lot of usefuldata from Terry on the forum “Tao Bums”.

  5. by Hologram

    Great Workout!
    This is slightly different than many other Qigong styles. There are breathing sequences for each of the exercises. These are said to help qi flow better for each exercise. All I can say is, there are many Qigong styles, and the main thing to note, to get anywhere with energy work takes years to develop and cultivate. Find a good style and stick to it. This style may be the one for you!

  6. by C. E. Thomas

    add to the horizons of chi kung
    completed integration of the first 3 seated lessons with very strong chi cultivation a surprizing result given the years of tai chi chuan i have done ..i expect the monk serves wine sessions that i am just beginning to be up to the same level

  7. by The Rebecca Review

    Settles the Anxious Body and Mind
    Chi Kung reminds me of Tai Chi but this DVD focuses on movements of the arms and hands while seated. It is very calming as there are controlled breathing exercises to help alleviate stress. You can feel the anxious body settling into relaxation. I did the entire DVD but it seems Terence Dunn is teaching you how to do Chi Kung so you can eventually do it with your eyes closed on your own. The movements are very simple and not overly strenuous. However, one pose does require you to keep your hands up in the air for an extended time. If you are looking to get rid of stress this might work for you. It is purely exercises with no spiritual philosophies. The music playing in the background is also very beautiful.~The Rebecca Review

  8. by Jose G Sanchez

    Five Stars
    Cover my expectation from the Health stand point. In fact, it is released the stress as usual. Thanks.

  9. by stephen stannard

    as study aid

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Chi Kung For Health, Volume Two: Six Seated Meditations

Chi Kung For Health, Volume Two: Six Seated Meditations


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