
Adipositas, Diabetes, Bluthochdruck und Krebs – diese Zivilisationskrankheiten kommen nicht von ungefähr. Aber es nicht ein einzelner Faktor, der für eine Erkrankung verantwortlich ist, sondern das Zusammenspiel aus genetischer Veranlagung, Umweltfaktoren, dem individuellem Lebensstil – und
somit auch der Ernährung!

Die Macher des preisgekrönten Dokumentarfilms COWSPIRACY konfrontieren Vertreter der Lebensmittelkonzerne, Gesundheitsorganisationen und
Pharmaindustrie mit unbequemen Fakten und Fragen:
Warum wollen uns Konzerne scheinbar systematisch krank machen und wieso unternimmt niemand was dagegen?
WHAT THE HEALTH ist ein Film, der Ihnen die Augen öffnen wird!
Aspect Ratio ‏ : ‎ 1.78:1, 1.77:1
Product Dimensions ‏ : ‎ 5.39 x 7.56 x 0.59 inches; 3.81 ounces
Item model number ‏ : ‎ 29163637
Director ‏ : ‎ Andersen, Kip, Kuhn, Keegan
Media Format ‏ : ‎ NTSC
Subtitles: ‏ : ‎ German
Language ‏ : ‎ German (Dolby Digital 2.0), English (Dolby Digital 2.0)
Studio ‏ : ‎ Polyband/WVG
ASIN ‏ : ‎ B0711ZQZM4
Number of discs ‏ : ‎ 1

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Adipositas, Diabetes, Bluthochdruck und Krebs – diese Zivilisationskrankheiten kommen nicht von ungefähr. Aber es nicht ein einzelner Faktor, der für eine Erkrankung verantwortlich ist, sondern das Zusammenspiel aus genetischer Veranlagung, Umweltfaktoren, dem individuellem Lebensstil – und
somit auch der Ernährung!

Die Macher des preisgekrönten Dokumentarfilms COWSPIRACY konfrontieren Vertreter der Lebensmittelkonzerne, Gesundheitsorganisationen und
Pharmaindustrie mit unbequemen Fakten und Fragen:
Warum wollen uns Konzerne scheinbar systematisch krank machen und wieso unternimmt niemand was dagegen?
WHAT THE HEALTH ist ein Film, der Ihnen die Augen öffnen wird!
Aspect Ratio ‏ : ‎ 1.78:1, 1.77:1
Product Dimensions ‏ : ‎ 5.39 x 7.56 x 0.59 inches; 3.81 ounces
Item model number ‏ : ‎ 29163637
Director ‏ : ‎ Andersen, Kip, Kuhn, Keegan
Media Format ‏ : ‎ NTSC
Subtitles: ‏ : ‎ German
Language ‏ : ‎ German (Dolby Digital 2.0), English (Dolby Digital 2.0)
Studio ‏ : ‎ Polyband/WVG
ASIN ‏ : ‎ B0711ZQZM4
Number of discs ‏ : ‎ 1

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13 Reviews For This Product

  1. by Elyssa Davis

    Very informative.
    Very informative.

  2. by Natalie Jordan

    Great! Life changing!
    EVERY HUMAN NEEDS TO WATCH THIS DOCUMENTARY. Can someone please make a DVD version? I need it for my grandparents (they don’t have internet).I became vegan after watching this (something I never thought I would EVER do). So many great points regarding health, disease, sanitation issues, the environment (global warming).. just tons of eye opening information.

  3. by Bonnie Gonzales

    Amazing information.
    I highly recommend this video. Very informative, engaging. Long enough to get the info, not too long to drag out the ideas. Loved it!!

  4. by Rottlover

    Shocking and eye opening
    I can’t say anything in this documentary surprises me, but it’s very upsetting. Doctors are supposed to take an oath to help their patients not the industries putting more money into their pockets. It’s rather disgusting, actually. Eat your apples, keep those doctors away!

  5. by Blue Hawaii

    A helpful aid in research
    For those of us who do extensive health research, we know that it takes a lot of data and cross referencing to put the pieces of the puzzle together that make the most sense for our particular situations. The information presented in this video is helpful in that it presents yet another perspective from those who are passionate about a certain dietary approach. It’s up to each person to weigh the data they receive whether it’s on health or other matters. “Does it make sense for me?” “Would it hurt to try a different approach if I’m not feeling well with my current diet?” It is important to find the right balance and to really do your due diligence in researching health and dietary matters. For optimal health, we need a balance of nutrients. If one is not well versed on the optimum balance of nutrients for their particular health condition, including on a vegan diet, it would be wise to consult with someone like a certified holistic nutritionist when making a dietary change. We’re all in this together.

  6. by Trucker Ed

    Meat industry doesn’t like this!
    I see some negative reviews saying this is BS but actually this makes a lot of sense. Anyone that cares about there health and well being should watch this. The fact that animals are injected with antibiotics and other chemicals surely can’t be healthy. I’m not a vegan either but I am thinking more about it after watching this video.The fact that dairy really doesn’t promote strong bones and actually puts us at higher risk for cancers means they’ve been lying to us for years. There’s so much debate about what’s healthy and what’s not it’s really hard to figure out what is truly healthy to eat!I have enjoyed meat for many years but I never enjoyed having an enlarged prostate or tendonitis. Never realized what an impact your diet has on your health until I gave up sugar and most meat for awhile. I only ate vegetables and sardines and reversed my health issues. It’s a real eye opener.

  7. by E. Brum

    Terribly Misleading
    This documentary demonizes meat which people have been eating for hundreds of years across all ethnicities and completely ignores sugar, worse it implies sugar isn’t bad. Even if sugar is not the reason people get diabetes, it does prevent the body from feeling full, and it does contribute to fatigue. I went on a weight loss journey starting in 2018 and over the course of a year I lost 110 lbs. During that time I really limited the amount of empty calories so sugar was pretty much out except for the small amounts in some foods and some in coffee. I was consuming the recommended 50g or less a day. I had so much energy, I felt totally different, and I was feeling full after eating normal portions. About 6 months or so after I negated my calorie deficit and began to maintain my weight, I started letting myself eat more sugar and I noticed it snowballed and I eventually started feeling the way I did before I lost the weight. I decided I was having too much sugar and cut back to 50g or less and within 24 hours I was again feeling energetic and I would feel full for hours rather than minutes after a normal portion of food. Overconsumption of sugar blocks the signals in the body that make us feel full, and it causes short bursts of energy followed by fatigue. I’m not talking about consuming 200-300g vs the recommended 50 or less, I’m talking about as little as 70 or 75 grams (as post-deficit I was rarely consuming more than 80). However, if you consume a lot of soft drinks you probably consume hundreds of grams of sugar a day.As far as the documentary’s accusations on meat, I am unconvinced that the answer is to eliminate all meat from the diet. Plant-based diets have their own pitfalls and dangers. I think when you couple fatty meats with sugar and you have low energy and constant hunger, then that’s a recipe for disaster. When slavery made sugar more common in Europe in the 14th and 15th centuries because it could be processed on a large scale for the first time, obesity started to become an issue.I guarantee you can find studies to back up any claim you make about nutrition, and that’s one of the reason a lot of people don’t even get into it. The biggest problem in nutrition in my opinion is overconsumption of anything, and a major cause of overconsumption is sugar. End of. Sugar was intended to be consumed from fruit along with the fiber of the fruit. The fiber controls blood sugar and bad cholesterol and helps us feel full. What do we do with it? We throw it away and take the sugar out of the plant and turn it into drinks that have 40g of sugar per 8 ounces and 0 fiber.What makes this documentary frustrating is that parts are true, but the wrong conclusions are drawn from the truth and it is sandwiched between bad information and propaganda. The filmmaker admits to being a hypochondriac in the opening scene, so do you really expect someone who religiously looks up stuff on WebMD to not find patterns where none exist or to become alarmist when such a pattern is seen?

  8. by Constance R.

    A MUST see for all.
    Absolutely DISGUSTING how these poor animals are treated for NO darn reason at all. A GIANT shame on humanity for knowing yet doing NOTHING about this crime against helpless INNOCENT creatures. It has been proven for decades there is No reason to consume meat. YET despite KNOWING the painful abuses and damage to our planet–it continues. THIS movie should be shown in EVERY classroom across America and the planet. PUS being allowed in our milk–here is NO reason for this to be allowed. Be prepared to be ill over what you see and learn. ALL ok per the Feds

  9. by Carol

    I purchased this video for my parents to see. This was to show them why I was following a Vegan way of eating. It’s changed their eating habits immensely. This is phenomenal, a must see!

  10. by CM

    Funny informative movie. Some exaggerations in content but mostly factual.

  11. by Snaggletooth

    You cannot declare yourself caring for the environment if you eat meat or dairy. Simple as that. It’s causing up to 30% of all the damage to the atmosphere (more than all the road vehicles and plane journeys put together), its bad for your health, its cruel to living creatures (that have just as much right to life as you do), and that climate change you’re contributing to will result in the displacement and possible starvation of thousands of human beings due to rises in sea level over the coming years. The government of the Maldives has already started assembling money to buy land elsewhere for its people when the islands are flooded and Kiribati has already bought land in Fiji. You have done this to these people. They did not do it to themselves. Time to wise up Carnie.

  12. by Don Diego

    Excellent and entertaining, although one-sided, “documentary” about corporate corruption, government collusion and the unlimited benefits of vegan living.

  13. by Ehrliche Meinung

    Ich habe diesen Film das erste Mal zufällig bei einem Bekannten gesehen. Da der Film so viele Informationen enthält und ich diese für mich erst mal sortieren musste, habe ich mir die DVD gekauft. Dieser Film hat mein Leben verändert – nicht unbedingt aus etischen Gründen – sonder die Klarstellung der Zusammenhänge zwischen Ernährung – Krankheiten – Medizin – und den global players …. . Nach weiteren Filmen wie “Du bist was Du isst..” …. habe ich dazu entschlossen meine Ernährung umzustellen. Inzwischen ist dies über eine Woche her und ich kann nur sagen ich merke jetzt schon die Veränderungen – auch wenn der Darm in den ersten 2-3Tagen etwas überfordert ist. Nach 3 Tagen veganer Ernährung habe ich auch endlich mit dem Rauchen aufgehört – passte irgendwie nicht dazu 😉 .Ich kann nur jedem empfehlen sich den Film bis zum Ende anzu schauen. Sollten auch manche Themen etwas überzeichnet dar gestellt werden – bleibt doch die entscheidende krebserregende Einstufung der WHO bezüglich verarbeitetem Fleisch und Fleisch als Fakt- schon das allein und wie unsere Gesellschaft, Ärtzteschaft und Politik mit diesem Wissen umgeht – zeigt einem, dass die hier dargestellten Zusammenhänge bestimmt nicht weit an der Wahrheit vorbei gehen.Inzwischen hat sich meine ganze Familie vom “TIER” verabschiedet – ein toller Film!Update:inzwischen ernähre ich mich fast 3 Monate vegan – der Check mereiner Blutwerte nach ~2,5 Monaten war eine große Überraschung. Vor meiner Umstellung nahm ich täglich 40mg Statine wegen dem Cholestrin um einigermaßen brauchbare Cholesterinwerte zu haben – dass diese sich auch ohne Tabletten sich verbessern war mir schon klar. Aber nicht nur das, meine Leberwerte haben sich um 2/3!! und meine Nierenwerte um 1/3 verbessert!!! Diese Werte hatte ich nicht auf dem Plan – auch nahm ich täglich 20mg OME wegen ständigem Sodbrennen – alles weg und das ganze ohne Medikamente nur “Verzicht” auf Nahrungsmittel tierischen Ursprungs. Das hat mich überzeugt – bin gespannt was sich noch alles ändert!

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